Meeting Minutes of the Pastoral Council of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
Meeting Minutes of the Pastoral Council of St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Meeting Date: 1-22-2024
Next Scheduled Meeting:
March 11, 2024
Present: Paul Allen, Bob Burdick, Deb Bua, Dave Lamarre, Pat LeClair, Ralph Lesure,
Scott Remilard, Nancy Moresi Scerbo, Connie Therrien, Tom Therrien, John Tremblay &
Fr. Dariusz Wudarski
Absent / Excused: Joan Wise
Opening Prayer: 6:00PM
A. Meeting Agenda Clarification: Fr. Dariusz
- Inaccurate Berkshire Eagle meeting listing (article provided with agenda to attendees)
B. Presentation: Dr. Felix Puccio & Teresa Vitelli
- Preserving the current sanctuary
- History of St. Anthony of Padua church
- Display of imposed/photoshop image of sanctuary with mountain scape in background
- Readings from family members of Monsignor Roccapriore
C. Restoration Update: Fr. Dariusz
- Existing marble will stay; crushing marble is not part of the restoration plan
- Moving forward with the beautification of the church
- The sanctuary is still under discussion including the vote on the art deco
- The (4) circles that are covered may render an image of:
St. Luke (Blessed Mother side); St. Matthew (St. Anthony side); St. John; St. Mark
- February 22- David Riccio from Canning & Co. is coming to
- uncrate the marble altar to see what it looks like (he will bringing someone who specializes in stone)
b. Spend time in the church
- Remove current ceiling fans
- Storage space needs to be identified where the confessionals are closest to the altar
- Restore original confessionals in the front of the church by main entrance
- Scaffolding/building/restoration should not affect Masses
D. Campaign Update: Diane Dandurand-Burdick
- Reiterated Campaign intake total: $464,692 (as of 1-22)
- Parish Community involvement through the process of restoration
- Photograph project- collecting photos from parishioners of their original churches (structure, holidays, fellowship, etc.)
- Democracy of voting for the art deco- explanation of process - ballots sent home and an opportunity to vote in person on a designated date (tbd)
- Working together as one parish to create ownership for all of us
- Asking Pastoral Council to speak with various parishioners to get feedback on the restoration project & campaign
- Ways to Donate- envelopes provided by Diocese; envelopes provided by OSV in monthly envelopes, collection basket & online
QUESTION: Are there fees incurred when donating for the campaign online? (Yes, there are fees that the Diocese absorbs but if the donor would like to incur the fee instead he/she can check the box provided)
E. Bazaar Update: Deb Bua
- Bake sale on 2/10-2/11 at weekend Masses used for startup money.
(Last year we made $814)
- Meeting for the Bazaar on Monday, February 26th at 6pm
F. Lent: Fr. Dariusz / Diane
- Lenten Mission Presentation will take place as a 2-3 day event. Dates / topic TBD
- Stations of the Cross- looking for feedback on last year’s
- From the audience in attendance, it was determined that last year’s version was too long. A new or the familiar version will be considered
- Lenten Fish Dinners- Only one date on the books this year- Good Friday (3/29)
Forum Questions:
- Will Irish Night happen? (Yes, Saturday- 3/16)
- Feedback from parishioners on restoration models (Canning & Co. / Felix Puccio)
Meeting adjourned at 7:15PM with closing blessing
Respectfully submitted by:
Diane M. Dandurand -Burdick